Application Form

(NEW) Inwardbound Self Experience Training and Retreat for Therapists & Mental Health Professionals: Netherlands Sept 2024 (3 days)

September 25 - 27, 2024
- With Rob Ó Cobhthaigh (Psychotherapist) and Dr. Darragh Stewart Phd

Please do not fill in this application form until you have booked an initial consultation call

Please take your time in completing this application form. The information you supply is treated with the strictest confidence.

* These fields are required

1 Accommodation Options

Select a price.
Sold Out
€2,299.00 – €2,299 per person
Sold Out
€1,999.00 – 1,999 per person sharing a room as a couple

2 Optional Items

3 Participant Info

Name and phone number of next of kin or close friend
Name and phone number of your medical professional
Why do you want to attend an InwardBound psychedelic therapy programme?
Medications Please fill out this section of the form thoroughly. This retreat involves ingesting psilocybin, a drug that can interact dangerously with some other substances. The list below is not exhaustive, therefore it is imperative that you list all currently and recently used substances.
If you answered "yes" to any of the above medical conditions, please give relevant details here. Please be as specific as possible, letting us know when you came off the above medication and if you are currently on the above medication.
Please read our Privacy Policy

4 Medical History

We will give you choice over which retreat dates you can transfer your booking to
Please read the terms and conditions
Supplementary Products Exclusion: Participants acknowledge and agree that these Fees presented and payable pertain solely to Services and Offerings, and will not include the cost of any plant-medicines or similar products (collectively, "Supplementary Products") which may be provided, offered, or distributed by a Commercial User, or any other party, in connection with Services or Offerings. Retreat Guru shall bear no responsibility or liability in connection with any provision, offering, or distribution of Supplementary Products, and is not a party thereto. All capitalized terms used herein shall carry the same meaning as assigned to them in Retreat Guru's Terms of Service.

5 Payment

Payments made through Retreat Guru do not include the cost of: plant medicine, psychedelics or similar products
Separate payment of €45.00 per person to be arranged with the center.
Credit Card Logos
You will be asked for credit card details in the next step.
Click the button below to continue.